Saturday, April 16, 2005

T-Mobile in great service shock!

I lost my phone last weekend and imagined a world of pain would result. I rang the T-Mobile service line and was astounded by how helpful they were. They immediately canceled the SIM and Phone so anyone finding it couldn't abuse it as you would expect. But they also said that I was entitled to an upgrade, so I could pick a new phone up to a value of £80 and they would pay. However, I had already decided to go for the excellent Samsung E330. It turns out that this only cost £50 if you have a contact. So they gave me the phone, didn't charge me the standard £10 for a replacement SIM, didn't charge me £5 for delivery and knocked £15 of my next months bill! To my delight the next phone and SIM card showed up at 10am the following morning.

It is said that on average people tell 3 people when they have had a good experience with a company and 20 when they have had a bad experience. And when I read other folks web logs this seems to be true, because everyone seems to be complaining about something, be it erratic Sky Plus boxes or lettuce in Sandwiches. Well I want the whole world to know that T-Mobile is really great and sorted me out good and proper. Well done.

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