Friday, March 25, 2005

Can a geek last a week without touching a computer?

I used to work with a guy called Ben Rose in Lotus Customer Support a few years ago. He is a Geek. He also like Jaffa Cakes - but that isn't important. In trying to raise money for Cancer Research, he has agreed to give up all IT for a week - so no computer, email, sms and such. Non Geeks might scoff at this, thinking it is too easy. But let me assure you that for us propeller heads that is a significant sacrifice. He is trying to raise over £1500 and is doing pretty well. If you realize the pain he will suffer in going analogue for a week, or more seriously, if you want to help out with such a worthy charity, then make a donation here (or more accurately, visit his donation site).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the publicity mate, it was a very enlightening experience. In fact, I keep forgetting to check my email now!
